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Process results for online test (hold & release) (v10)

This article explains how to configure conditions for the hold and release process for the online test.

Hold and release process for online test

To push the results from the YTM system in the External system, you need to verify test attempts. There are two ways to verify test attempts:

  • Through the” Test results verifications” page
  • Through the “Candidates” tab

Through the” Test results verifications” page

An online verification setup allows you to decide when and how to verify the test results. There are three options to setup online verification:

  1. Immediate after completing test verify by hold criteria
  2. On-demand verify by hold criteria
  3. One by one – manual verification

Navigate to “Tests” in the main menu, and choose “Test results verification”.

Select the “Online tests” tab, on which the following default values ​​are set.

Immediate after completing test verify by hold criteria

To set up immediate after completing test verification, you need to enable the “Immediate after completing test verify by hold criteria” option.

Then you need to set all the conditions for which you want the results to be held and not verified.

  1. Percent scored below – If this option is set to “20%”, results of the candidates with a score below will be held and not verified.
  2. Report needs grading – If this option is enabled, the results of the candidates whose report is not graded and not resolved by the proctor will be held and not verified.
  3. Not finished – If this option is enabled, the results of the candidates who did not finish the test will be held and not verified.
  4. Time used below – If this option is set to “01:00:00 (hh:mm:ss)”,results of the candidates that spent less than 5 minutes in the test will be held and not verified.
  5. Refused NDA – If this option is enabled, the results of the candidates that refused the Non-disclosure agreement will be held and not verified.
  6. Did not show up – If this option is enabled, results of the candidates that did not take the test within the allotted time will be held and not verified.

After setting all the conditions, click on the “Save” button.

Note: The setup configurations will affect the next processing test results.


Select the test for which you want to check what attempts are verified.

By default, in the table will appear only non-verified test attempts. To display verified attempts also, you should enable the “Show verified attempts “option.

In this example, attempts that are not verified and reasons for that are:

  1. baldwin’s attempt: because is marked as “Did not show up.
  2. barker’s attempt: the candidate finished the test in less than 2 minutes
  3. barnett’s attempt: candidate achieved a score below 20%

On-demand verify by hold criteria

The second option, “On-demand verify by hold criteria,” represents verification on the button click.

To set up on-demand verification, you should enable the “On-demand verify by hold criteria” option.

Then you need to set all the conditions for which you want the results to be held and not verified.

  1. Percent scored below – If this option is set to “20%”, results of the candidates with a score below will be held and not verified.
  2. Report needs grading – If this option is enabled, the results of the candidates whose report is not graded and not resolved by the proctor will be held and not verified.
  3. Not finished – If this option is enabled, the results of the candidates who did not finish the test will be held and not verified.
  4. Time used below – If this option is set to “01:00:00 (hh:mm:ss)”, the results of the candidates that spent less than 5 minutes in the test will be held and not verified.
  5. Refused NDA – If this option is enabled, the results of the candidates that refused the Non-disclosure agreement will be held and not verified.
  6. Did not show up – If this option is enabled, results of the candidates that did not take the test within the allotted time will be held and not verified.

After setting all the conditions, click on the “Save” button.

Select the test for which attempts you want to execute the verification and press the “Start the auto-verification process for selected test” button that will appear.

By clicking this button, the system will try to verify all the attempts for the selected test that are not verified. If any of the checked conditions are satisfied for the attempt, the attempt will not be verified and furthered to the manager for additional processing.

One by one – manual verification

If you want to verify attempts separately, you should enable the “One by one – manual verification” option.

Note: Defined conditions for auto-verification will have no effect if you use the “One by one – manual verification” option.

Click on the “Save” button.

Select the test for which attempts you want to execute the verification.

For the selected online test, you can verify one-by-one attempts by pressing on the checkmark in the “Actions” column.

Manual verification from the “Candidates” tab

To verify test attempts, please follow the next steps:

Hover over the “Tests” in the main menu, and select the “Manage tests“.

On the “Manage tests” page, you will see the list of all tests.

  1. Use the search box to find the test you want to allow the candidate to modify.
  2. Click on its name to open it.


Click on the “Candidates” tab, then:

  1. Select candidates to which you want to verify the results.
  2. Click on the “Actions” drop-down menu.
  3. Select the “Verify selected attempts” option.
  4. Also, you can verify the results for all candidates at once using the “Verify all attempts” option.


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