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How to Verify the test-takers Identity during a Proctored Test

Verifying the test-taker’s identity is crucial in maintaining proctored exams’ integrity. This article explains the process of verifying the test-taker’s identity during both live-proctored and AI-monitored exams.

In our Proctoring solution, candidates must complete a check-in process before they can begin answering questions. The check-in process begins when the candidate clicks the Start button and involves several steps configured by the exam administrators.

The exact number of steps and the required actions depend on the proctoring configuration the exam administrators define during test creation. Among these steps, ID verification is one of the most important and is available in both live-proctored and AI-monitored exam types.

Candidate Perspective

From the candidate’s perspective, the check-in process is a critical first step to ensure their eligibility to take the exam. This process begins as soon as they click the Start button, and the candidate will be guided through the necessary steps one at a time.

At the ID verification step, the candidate is invited to take or upload a picture of their government-issued ID.

ID verification - Take a picture or upload

ID Verification During Live-Proctored Exams

Live-proctored exams involve direct monitoring and interaction by a human proctor, while AI-monitored exams rely on artificial intelligence to flag suspicious behaviors for later review.

During live-proctored exams, the proctor pauses the exam for all test-takers. This process ensures that no candidate can begin answering questions until their identity has been verified. The proctor must manually review the government-issued ID uploaded or captured by the test-taker during check-in to confirm its validity and ensure it matches the test-taker’s profile.

The proctor verifies the ID during Live exam

If the ID is valid, the proctor resumes the exam individually for compliant candidates, allowing them to proceed.
If the ID is invalid or does not meet the requirements, the proctor contacts the candidate to request a valid ID. If the candidate cannot provide an acceptable ID and is deemed ineligible to take the exam, the proctor terminates the attempt and submits a detailed report explaining the incident.

Proctor requestion a valid ID during Live exam

ID Verification During AI-Monitored Exams

Identity verification is handled differently for AI-monitored exams, as there is no live proctor monitoring in real-time.

The assigned proctor reviews the provided ID and the recording after the candidate submits their exam attempt.

The proctor verifies the ID during a recorded exam

If the ID is deemed invalid, the proctor uses the system to send a request for a new ID.

The proctor's special request

The candidate will receive an email with the request and a secure link to upload a valid ID. The availability of this link is configurable by the exam administrator (e.g., valid for 24 hours). If the candidate fails to provide a valid ID within the specified timeframe, the exam administrators can reject the exam attempt or invite the candidate to retake the test.

Sepcial request link - candidate's perspective


Automatic ID Verification

Our solution also supports integration with third-party automatic ID verification tools, allowing for a seamless, software-based identity check.


  • Clients must provide their preferred automatic ID verification software for integration.
  • While this option reduces manual workload, the reliability of the software depends on the chosen solution, and we cannot guarantee its accuracy.
  • Automatic verification typically involves comparing the ID against the test-taker’s profile or a live photo.

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