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How to Track Question Statistics

This article explains how to access and examine statistics on questions in the selected question pool. There is a report on candidates’ performance on each question pool, graphical representations of questions broken down by type, and difficulty level.

Accessing the question pool #

To open statistical reports:

  1. Hover over the Tests in the main menu.
  2. Select Question pools page.
  3. When the page opens, click on the desired pool name.

Once you open the desired question pool, navigate to the Statistics tab.

Previewing statistics #

Candidates’ performance on question pool #

The Candidate’s performance on the question pool is a table of basic statistics of questions that shows the candidate’s performance and basic information about questions. These statistics and data include the following:

  1. The ID represents the question ID in the system.
  2. The Question text is question content.
  3. The Difficulty represents the question’s difficulty level. It can be easy, medium, or hard.
  4. The Type is the question type. It can be a single-choice question, multiple-choice question, essay question, ordering question, fill in the blanks question, true/false question, etc.
  5. The appearance is the number of times the question occurred in all tests in the system.
  6. The Total correct is the number of correct answers to the question in all tests in which the question occurs.
  7. The Partial correct is the number of answers to the question with points between zero and the maximum possible points in all tests in which the question occurs.
  8. The Zero-negative is the number of answers to the question on which zero or fewer points were achieved in all tests on which the question appears.
  9. The Total ratio is the ratio of the Total correct and Appearances columns in percent.
  10. The Partial ratio is the ratio of Partial correct and Appearances columns in percent.
  11. The Negative ratio is the ratio of Zero-negative and Appearance columns in percent.
  12. The Average percent is the average percentage of points scored on the question.
  13. The Average time is the average time the candidates spent answering the question.

Number of questions by difficulty #

The Number of questions by difficulty is the graph of the distribution of questions in the selected pool of questions. Displays the number of questions for each difficulty.

Number of questions by type #

The Number of questions by type is the graph of the distribution of questions by type of question in the selected pool of questions. Displays the number of questions for each type of question.

You can examine various other question reports in the predefined reports. For more information on how to access them, please visit Predefined reports.

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