View Categories

How to Import Questions with More Category Values via Excel

This article explains how to import questions (with additional category values) into the question pool using an Excel template.

Question categories are used for better question organization, search, and creating filters for test generators. Preconditions of importing questions with categories are that the categories must be created in the “Settings and customization”.

One question can have multiple categories and multiple category values.

Creating question category #

For more information on creating question categories, you can check this article.

Importing questions with assigned category values #

  1. Click the “Tests” section in the left side menu, then choose the “Question pools” page.How to import questions with more category values via Excel
  2. Choose the question pool where you want to import the questions.
  3. Navigate to the “Questions” tab.
  4. Click on the “Load questions” button.
  5. Choose the option “Without images (.xlsx format)”.
  6. When the pop-up window shows up, click on the “Excel template” to download it.


Once you download the excel template, you should fill it out with relevant information.

Categories are specified in the column “Categories (Optional)” in the following format:

Topic area: Biology; Difficulty level: Easy;

How this looks like in the “Settings and customization“:


How it looks like in the Excel file:

Once you fill in the template, you should:

  1. Select the created file by clicking the “Select file” button and choosing the file.
  2. Click the “Upload” button.


The questions with assigned question category values will be imported into the desired question pool.

For more useful instructional materials, please check these links:

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