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How to export created tests and distribute hard copies

This article represents a guide on how to export a paper-based exam package in the YouTestMe GetCertified platform.

Accessing Testing Sessions

To access the testing location page, click the Testing sessions in the main menu and select Manage testing sessions.

Exporting the paper-based package

To export a paper-based package, please follow the next steps:

  1. Click the List icon
  2. Click the Export link
  3. In the pop-up confirmation dialog, click the Confirm button.

Details about exported package

The exported zip file will contain:

  1. Tests and their versions – Each test is in a separate folder. Test versions must be pre-created.
  2. Each folder will contain the “Exam code” in the name.
  3. Three PDFs with basic test and candidates information.
    1. Student labels.
    2. Signing sheet.
    3. Package summary.

Test folders

Each file contains the basic information about the test and questions contained in that version.

Student labels

Student labels will contain the papers that can be cut out and pasted on a paper exam assigned to the student.

Signing sheet

A signing sheet is a paper for students to sign next to the version of the test they are taking.

Package summary

Package summary – List of tests and number of students taking them.

Exporting the Answer Key

Follow these steps to export the test, along with its answer key, which contains both the questions and their correct answers:

  1. Click on the Test page.
  2. Select the Manage tests option.
  3. Utilize the search bar to locate the desired test.
  4. Click on the test name to access the test.

  1. Upon entering the test, click on Options in the top right corner.
  2. Select Export as PDF.
  3. Choose the export type Download the test as a PDF (with correct answers).
  4. Pick the desired test version.
  5. Click on the Export button.

When the test is exported, you will be able to view both the questions and the correct answers.

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