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How to create a testing location (v10)

This article explains how to create a testing location.

About testing locations

Creating a testing location facilitates scheduling tests. Combined with the testing sessions feature, it allows the effective creation of tests for different user groups at different locations. 

Each location can be a physical location or a virtual room. It has a predefined time zone and assigned proctors who supervise the test.

If you select the location when scheduling a testing session, note that all settings of testing location will be applied to the testing session, particularly:

  1. The proctors assigned to the location automatically become the proctors of that testing session.
  2. The time zone of the location automatically becomes the session time zone.

Accessing the page

Hover over “Tests” in the main menu and select “Testing locations”.

Page layout

On this page, you can:

  1. Preview a list of all locations in the system (created by you or other users).
  2. Preview a list of locations you created.
  3. Preview a list of locations where you are assigned as a proctor.
  4. Create a new testing location by clicking the “Create new” button.
  5. Edit the existing testing location by clicking the pencil icon in the Actions column.
  6. Delete the existing testing location by clicking the trash can icon in the Actions column.
  7. Download a list of testing locations by clicking the “Export as Excel” or “Export as PDF” button.

Creating a new testing location

After clicking the “Create new” button, you should fill in the following fields in a pop-up window to create a new testing location:

  1. “Name” – enter the name of the testing location.
  2. “Time zone” – choose a time zone corresponding to the testing location.
  3. “Description” – enter the description to provide more information about the testing location.
  4. “Assign proctors” – assign the existing users as proctors for this location.
  5. “Remove selected” – select the users you want to remove as proctors and click the “Remove selected” button.
  6. “Create” – click the “Create” button to save the new testing location.
  7. “Cancel” – click the “Cancel” button to discard the testing location in the creation process.

Assigning proctors to a testing location

To assign proctors to the testing location, click the “Assign proctors” button during creating or editing a location.

A pop-up window will appear, where you should:

  1. Select the users you want to assign as proctors.
  2. Click the “Confirm” button.

When a created location is assigned to a testing session, the proctors for that location will automatically become the session proctors as well.

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