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How to add steps to a training course

Training courses are a series of lessons organized into training course steps. Each training course step can include an assignment (test or survey) and attachments (training course materials). This article explains how to add new steps to a training course.

Add steps to a training course

  1. Select the Training Courses tab.
  2. Click the training course name you want to edit and navigate to the Training Steps tab.
  3. Click the Generate Steps With AI to generate training steps using ChatGPT.
  4. Click the Create new button to add a new step manually.

Add New Step


    Adding Steps Using the Artificial Intelligence

    Click the Generate Steps With AI button and in the pop-up window:

    1. Select the desired method: Global Knowledge Base to use the ChatGPT database or Local Library to generate content from imported material.
    2. Enter the topic.
    3. Define the number of steps you want to generate.
    4. Click the Generate button to initiate the creation.

    Generate a step with AI

    Adding Steps Manually

    To manually add a step, click the Create New button and follow the steps below:

    1. Enter the name of the training course step.
    2. Define the step’s ordinal number.
    3. Enter a description – You may describe the learning content of this step.
    4. Click the Save button to add a step.

    New Step Dialog

    Each training course step may contain a test to examine the candidate’s knowledge or a survey to collect important information.

    Training Course Steps Actions

    In the Actions column, you have the ability to:

    1. Add a test to the training step
    2. Add a survey
    3. Add attachments, edit, or delete a training step.

    Action culomn

    Adding test to a training course step

    To add a test, click the Add Test button and select one of the following options:

    1. Add existing Test to Training Course to add a test from the created tests in the application.
    2. Create new ad-hoc test in Training coursePlease check this article for more information on adding existing or ad-hoc tests to the training course.

    Add test

    To add an existing test use the Add existing test to training course button, and in the popup window, click the Assign button next to the desired test.

    Select test

    Adding a survey to a training course step

    You can add an existing survey to a training course step. Surveys are typically useful in the final step of the training course, allowing you to gather information from candidates, such as their examination experience.

    To add a survey to a training course:

    1. Click the Add Survey button.
    2. Click the Assign button next to the desired survey.

    Select survey


    Training Course Steps Settings

    Using the Settings button, you can choose one of the following actions:

    1. Change the name, description, or ordinal number of a selected step
    2. Create a new attachment to upload multimedia to the step – Please check this article for more details about training course attachments.
    3. Import files from the Media Library to utilize pre-existing multimedia stored within the application’s library.
    4. Delete the step.

    Step settings

    For more related instructional materials, please visit:

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