How to Use the Real-Time Grading Option

This article explains how to use the real-time grading option, allowing users to see the changes in their test scores immediately after submitting each answer.

Configuring a test with real-time grading #

When creating a test, you have the option to choose when to display the candidates’ scores. This selection is made in the Settings step of the wizard.

In the following sections, we will explain what happens when the real-time grading option is selected.

Candidates’ perspective with real-time grading #

During the test-taking process, the candidates will be presented with:

  1. Symbols and Colors to Indicate Question Status:
    • White: The question is not answered.
    • Yellow: The question is skipped because the “I don’t know” option was selected.
    • Blue: The question is answered. (When real-time grading is enabled, the field will be blue when the instructor must rate the question.)
    • Green: The question is answered correctly. This color is used only when real-time grading is enabled.
    • Red: The question was answered incorrectly. This color is used only when real-time grading is enabled.
  2. Progress Bar: Displays the current success on the test (number of achieved points or percentage of completed questions). This feature is only available when real-time grading is enabled.

Additional Options for Real-Time Grading #

Auto Submit Single Choice Questions #

If enabled, single choice questions will be automatically submitted upon selecting the answer.

Candidate’s Perspective:

Reset Questions on Subsequent Visits #

If enabled, the candidate’s previously selected answer will be reset on subsequent visits.

Note: If no new answer is provided, the previous answer will be counted.

Candidate’s Perspective:

Enable Filtering Questions by Question Pool #

If enabled, candidates can filter questions by selecting a question pool from the list. Only questions from the selected pool will be visible.

Note: This option is available only for real-time grading tests and if the “Disable going backwards in test” option is not checked.

Candidate’s Perspective:

Disable Going Backwards in Test #

If enabled, candidates cannot go back to previous questions.


  • Enable this option for official tests with real-time grading to prevent candidates from changing answers after seeing if they were correct.
  • Disable this option for practice tests to allow candidates to learn and practice using the additional real-time grading features like answer resetting.

Tests with Sections #

The same settings apply for tests with sections:

  1. Real-time grading is configured at the test level
  2. An additional real-time grading options are configured at the section level
  3. Decide at the section level whether to allow candidates to return to the section or not.

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