How to grade a test attempt manually

This article explains how to grade a test attempt manually. A test manager can rate ungraded questions and change automatically assigned points for the questions.

Grading a test attempt #

Once a candidate completes the test, a test report will become available for the test manager’s grading and review.

To open a test attempt report, go to the test that has ungraded questions. Once inside the test follow the next steps:

  1. Select the Testing center/Candidates tab
  2. In the Tests attempt tab select the desired test and testing session.
  3. In Grade resolved column, look up No values
  4. Select the report icon.

Note: All questions for which the scoring method is set to be Manual grading must be graded by the test manager to generate a final test score. Also, the only question type that must always be graded manually is the essay question type.

The test manager can grade ungraded questions and automatically change the assigned points for the questions.

Grading questions #

First, click the Grade button.

You can also go to the Questions tab (marked in the screenshot below). Then, switch to Show ungraded, and click the Grade button next to the ungraded question.

Once clicked, the screen will scroll down to the selected ungraded question. Once there, do the following:

  1. Analyze the provided answer to the essay question
  2. Assign an appropriate number of points
  3. Click the Submit button

The test manager can also change automatically assigned question points by clicking the Grade next to any of the automatically graded questions.

Note: The test manager can give the candidate any points between the defined minimum and maximum values.

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