How to Create Test Authorization

This article provides guidance on setting up test authorizations in the YouTestMe system, ensuring that candidates can only book sessions for specific tests they are eligible to take.

Test authorizations establish criteria, such as mandatory payments or specific qualifications, that users must meet to access a test. If a test requires authorization, it will only be visible to users who meet the specified criteria; others won’t see it in their assignment list.

Authorizing a Candidate to Take a Test #

To create an authorization for a specific candidate, follow the steps below:

  1. In the main menu, select Tests and navigate to the Test Authorizations sub-menu.
  2. Click the Create New button.

Test authorizations

  1. In the Create Authorization dialog, click the Select Candidate button and select the desired candidate.
  2. Use the Select Test button to select the desired test.
  3. Select the authorization limit to specify the date until which the candidate is authorized to take the test.
  4. Click the Create button to finish creating the authorization.

Select the limit

Edit Authorization #

To edit an authorization, click the three dots next to the authorization ID in the Actions column and choose the desired action:

  1. Reschedule testing attempt – The test manager can directly assign a user to take the test in a specific testing session. Only testing sessions not open for user self-enrollment (the self-enrollment option is disabled) will be displayed.
  2. Edit – Adjust the authorization expiration time to your preference by shortening or extending it.
  3. Deactivate – This action sets the authorization status to inactive, preventing the user from using it to take the test, even if the expiration time hasn’t passed and the remaining attempts exceed the limit.

Edit Authorization

List of authorizations #

Table view #

  1. Actions – In this column, you can access a dropdown menu to edit, deactivate, or reschedule testing attempts.
  2. Authorization ID – Automatically generated upon authorization creation and cannot be edited.
  3. Username – This column displays the usernames of users who have been granted authorization.
  4. Test name – This column displays the names of the tests for which users have been authorized.
  5. Test external ID – The ID used to identify the test in any other external system.
  6. Active – The authorization status is active when the expiration time has not passed, the remaining attempts exceed the limit, and the authorization is not manually deactivated. If these conditions are met, a user can use this authorization for the test. Otherwise, a new authorization is needed.
  7. Attempts limit – It shows the maximum number of test attempts a user can have on the test using this authorization.
  8. Attempts left – It shows the remaining number of test attempts the user can take a test using this authorization.
  9. Used attempts show a user’s total test attempts with this authorization.
  10. Table settings – choose the columns you want to display in the authorization table.
  11. Downloading options -Download the authorization list in PDF or Excel formats.

Test Authorizations tabSetting Up Automatic Test Authorization #

You have the ability to create automatic authorization for a test.

To create an automatic test authorization, follow the steps below:

  1. In the main menu, select the Manage Tests submenu and select the desired test
  2. Navigate to the Test Administration tab and select the Authorizations option.
  3. Click the Create New button to add an authorization.

test administration

In the Create New Authorization dialog:

  1. Use the Select Candidate button to select the desired candidate
  2. Select the authorization limit to specify the date until which the candidate is authorized to take the test.
  3. Enter the authorization external ID, if any.
  4. Click the Create button to finish creating the authorization.

create new authorization

Auto-authorization settings #

To configure auto-authorization settings:

  1. Navigate to Auto-authorization settings.
  2. Define the conditions users must meet to be automatically authorized for the test.
  3. Specify how many times a candidate can use the same authorization to take the test. If not set, the candidate can have unlimited test attempts with the same authorization.
  4. Set the expiration date for the authorization. Once this time passes, the user can no longer access the test with that authorization.
  5. Click the Save button.

Creating a session that requires authorization #

      After creating authorizations for your chosen candidates, go to the Tests/Manage tests tab, locate the test you’ve created authorizations for, and click the Schedule button.

      Schedule test


      Click the New testing session button, enter the session info in the session settings dialog, and enable the required authorization options. Only authorized users can start or see the test on the My Tests page. Users without authorizations won’t have the option to access the test.
      New testing session

      Authorization status #

      There are two possible statuses for authorizations:

      1. Active – A test authorization is active if it has been successfully created and the candidate has not yet used it. This means the candidate is authorized to take the test but hasn’t done so yet.
      2. Inactive – A test authorization becomes inactive under the following circumstances:
        • If the manager manually deactivates it.
        • If the candidate has already taken the test, the authorization has been used and cannot be reused.
        • If the authorization has expired, it occurs when the candidate fails to take the exam within the deadline set by the manager.

      Conclusion #

      Enabling test authorizations within the YouTestMe system allows for secure and streamlined testing by ensuring that only authorized candidates can book testing sessions, thus preventing unauthorized access and maintaining the integrity of the testing process.

      For more instructional materials on related topics, please read the following articles:

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