Streamlining Test Creation with Test Manager Role

Introduction #

The role of a test manager is to oversee the entire testing process, from the development of questions to the delivery of results. Working with other members of the team test managers ensure that tests are accurate, valid, and reliable. They create and manage question pools, design and administer tests, analyze test results, and manage training courses and surveys.

Creating and Managing Question Pools #

The test manager has the responsibility of creating and managing question pools. These question pools are made up of various question types, such as multiple choice, true or false, essay questions, etc. Test managers can also add feedback or hints to each question to help candidates answer them.

In addition, test managers can assign point values to each question, either by defining which answer is correct and which is incorrect or by using the answer weight option and assigning different weights to each answer. This allows students to be awarded partial points if they only provide part of the answer.

Once the question pool is created, the test manager can use it to design tests for the students either by creating a simple test or by using the question pool to generate random versions of the test for each student. This ensures that each student receives a unique test, which helps to prevent cheating.

To see more about the question pools and questions, please check this video playlist.

Designing Tests #

Once the question pool is created, the test manager can use it to design the test. They can create a simple test without sections or a more complex test with multiple sections.

The test manager can also set the time limit for the test, configure options for proctoring and retaking the test, and determine how the report will be visible to candidates.

When they create questions, they can use difficulty labels and label questions as easy, medium, or hard and use those labels to create a generated test. A generated test is one where you choose the question pool where you stored questions and choose how many medium, easy, or hard questions would you like the system to take from the pool and generate the different versions of the same exam for all students.

The difficulty labels also serve as a means of gathering statistics on individual questions, such as the number of times a question appeared in the exam and how many times it was answered correctly or incorrectly. This information helps the test manager determine the effectiveness of each question and whether any changes need to be made, such as adjusting the difficulty label or revising the question.

The test manager can also design tests with sections, where multiple topics are separated into different sections within one test. This type of test can help evaluate student performance on specific topics and improve their overall performance.

To see how to create different types of exams, please check this playlist.

Managing Certificates #

Test managers are also able to create certificates and attach them to the test, so students who pass the exam can be awarded them. The certificate serves as a validation of the student’s knowledge and a recognition of their achievement.

Analyzing Test Results #

Once the test is completed, the test manager can examine the personal report of each student, review their answers, and grade the questions that require manual grading.

Furthermore, they can analyze the results based on location or testing session and see aggregated reports on different topics.

Managing Surveys and Training Courses #

In addition to creating and administering tests, a test manager has the responsibility of managing surveys and training courses. This section explains what these responsibilities entail.

Training Courses #

A training course consists of multiple steps, and the test manager can store the materials needed for learning in each of these steps. To assess the candidate’s understanding of the material, the test manager can add a mini quiz to each step and include a certification exam that covers all the topics taught in the course as a last step. Students who pass the exam will receive a certificate.

To see videos related to the training course, check this playlist.

Surveys #

Surveys are used to gather information about a specific topic or to obtain data about participants’ opinions on a particular issue. The test manager can create and distribute surveys to participants and collect the results to analyze the data.

The test manager is responsible for overseeing the entire process of survey management, from developing the survey questions to delivering the results. They can use the results to identify areas for improvement or to inform decision-making in various aspects of an educational institution, such as curriculum development or program evaluation.

To see how to create a survey, please watch this video.

Conclusion #

In conclusion, test managers are responsible for creating and managing question pools, designing tests, administering tests, analyzing test results, and managing surveys and training courses. Their role in overseeing the entire testing process, from the development of questions to the delivery of results, is vital in ensuring the effectiveness of testing programs and the improvement of student performance.

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