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How to Create a Question Pool Manager Security Role

Creating a new security role #

If you know how to create a new security role, skip to the next section. Otherwise, refer to the article “How to assign default or create a new roles.” Once you have created the role, this article will guide you in determining the optimal set of permissions for a question pool manager.

Note: To create a role with permissions limited to managing question pools, only select the permissions displayed in the picture below.

Question pool manager

When assigned as a question pool user, the user with this role can manage the pools they have created. Also, they can manage the pools to which they have been assigned. They can also have a Read-only or Modify role.

You can modify the role’s permissions at any time. If you want the user to manage any pool, select the Manage any pool permission.

Application from a question pool manager perspective #

You can also watch our video that explains this workflow.

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